the NerdHerd Reads

Just a self-proclaimed nerd who likes to read and review (mostly YA) books. You can find me on my blog The NerdHerd Reads or on Twitter @nerdherdreads. Might drink too much coffee ;) 

Faith Departed {by Elizabeth Maddrey}

Faith Departed - Elizabeth Maddrey

This isn't really what I normally read, being women's fiction instead of YA. However, I liked the different perspective and the story. Reading about married adult women was very different than reading about teenagers, in that I couldn't really relate to them yet. This story did take me a while to get into it at first, but once I did, I breezed through it.

I will say, June kind of annoyed me. Although we get perspectives from all four characters--June, her twin July, and both of their husbands, Toby and Gareth--we see the most from June. I think there was a part where Toby said June was acting like a petulant teenager. Yeah, that's how she felt throughout most of the book.

I realize that I cannot even begin to imagine what June is going through. Trying to get pregnant and failing, dealing with crap at work, and now her twin is hiding things from her. But at the same time, I felt like June made so many bad decisions from selfishness. She blamed everyone else for not seeing things her way, especially Toby, who bore the brunt of things.

Surprisingly, I think I understood/related to Toby the most. But then, I've always joked that I'm going to be the "guy" in my relationships (sorry future hubs). I did like that we got to see perspectives from both his and Gareth's point of view, as it added more interest and dimension to the story.

This was a very deep and spiritual book, yet realistic. Although maybe I personally can't relate because I'm not there yet, this is definitely a book that I think lots of women can relate to. I don't feel like everything was completely resolved in the end, but it was still an enjoyable read, one that I would recommend if you are looking for some good, realistic spiritual fiction.

I received a copy from the author in exchange for my honest review. This does not affect my opinion in any way.
