the NerdHerd Reads

Just a self-proclaimed nerd who likes to read and review (mostly YA) books. You can find me on my blog The NerdHerd Reads or on Twitter @nerdherdreads. Might drink too much coffee ;) 

Winter's Passage {by Julie Kagawa}

Winter's Passage - Julie Kagawa

This review also appears on The NerdHerd Reads


I think I was very disappointed with this one because I was expecting it to be in Ash's point of view, and it wasn't. It was in Meghan's. I feel like that defeats the purpose. I mean, you've got your main books from the point of view of one character, usually in first person. So novellas are a chance to get the point of view of another character. Meghan's already got three books from her point of view; why does she need a novella as well?

Because of that, this was just a story. A story I could have done without. I feel there was no point. This could have been added to the end of the first book, or the beginning of the second. Heck, it just could not have happened at all and I would not feel like I was missing out on anything.



I will admit, Meghan annoyed me while reading The Iron Fey series. And this novella did not introduce any new conflicts. It's the same conflicts that she whines about for three books. I love Ash, but he's part of the Unseelie court. I don't care what anyone says, I'm still human. I know Ash loves me but how can he turn into a cold, unfeeling person? Blah blah blah.



It wasn't terrible or anything, but it wasn't really good either. If you haven't read it yet, I wouldn't recommend it. It just didn't seem worth my time. And while I don't think it deserves three stars, I can't justify giving it two either. It's more like 2.3 stars.

